Title: Control Me (The Control Series Book 1)
Author: Shanora Williams
Genre: Erotica
It's hard to stay in your right state of mind when the
man you're being penetrated by is everything you never thought you could have.
It's hard to hold onto reality when he hands you an undeniable
He brings you to life and makes you forget who you truly are.
There are rules and boundaries, of course, but you consider it perfect,
The truth is I'm not completely sane.
I'm not okay.
I have issues.
And he knows this, yet he constantly leads me on.
He dominates me.
He indulges in me.
He craves me.
But he and I both know how this arrangement will end.
Someone will get hurt. I will lose control..
The control he has over me-- the power he possesses-- is something he
won't let go of. It's what he enjoys and he refuses to give it up, that is until he realizes it's putting both
of our lives at risk.
My Review:
My Review:
There was no
beating around the bush in Control Me. A risky tryst sets the stage from the
first page and it takes readers on a pleasurable ride. Never mind getting to
know the characters, There Will Be
Plenty of Time for That! Along the way, Shanora
fleshes out characters smoothly, undressing them with ease, and readers have a
front row seat.
Thank you very
I fanned my way
through the sex scenes. Yes. I. Did. Like most people, I like my sex scenes
well done and Shanora Williams delivered.
Control Me is an erotic 5 Star gem.
Get a copy for
99 cents on release day; $1.99 reg.
Either way, you cannot go wrong!
Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://tinyurl.com/p2z4kf6
Amazon UK: http://tinyurl.com/lzyw7ya
Amazon CA: http://tinyurl.com/o7uckja
About the Author:
New York Times & USA Today Best Selling author Shanora Williams
considers herself one of the wondrous, down-to-earth authors who's all about romance and the
paranormal... but of course she always makes room for the many other genres out there. She was born
and raised in North Carolina but plans on taking trips all around the world as she grows in age. She's a
huge lover of Starbucks and a big kid when it comes to Haribo Gummy Bears. If she could swim in Coca-
Cola she would. She's a very avid reader and a fan of many other independent authors.
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